Frequently Asked Questions

You can go to the school and get an admission form, fill and return with the stipulated admission fee.

You can also choose to download the admission form online. However, you will still need to go to the school to submit the printed/completed form and pay the stipulated admission fee.

More information including the current admission fee can be found on the Admissions page.

Results can be accessed from

Stage 1: Login

  1. Select the School from the list. (Likely Secondary School).
  2. Select the report format. (Currently only HTML format is available).
  3. Provide the admission number of the student who’s result you want to access.
  4. Provide the corresponding ‘Parent’ password for the student. Currently, the student’s surname serves as the password.

Note: You will not be able to login to access results for students who’s fees have not been completed.

Stage 2: Select Session/Term

For most browsers, once you login, the last academic session and term are preselected, so you should see the last term’s result of the selected student. If you are using Internet Explorer, you may need to click the reload button.

When more results are added, you can access results of previous sessions/terms by just selecting the session and term. (For Internet Explorer, you may need to click the reload button to view results of the just selected session/term).